Vodik najbrže i najučinkovitije
dolazi do svih stanica
i spriječava njihovo propadanje!

To jednoglasno potvrđuje više od
3000 znanstvenih istraživanja.

Kada unosimo visoku koncentraciju plinovitog vodika u vodi
  • tijelo se brže regenerira
  • poboljšava se sveukupno zdravstveno stanje
  • osjećamo znatni porast energije
  • Vodik pospješuje i oporavak od ozljeda, zato ga koriste brojni profesionalni sportaši.

Hidrogenizirana voda - koncentracija čini razliku

Gaseous hydrogen reaches all cells the fastest and most efficiently and prevents their decay!

Over 2,000 scientific studies unanimously confirm:

The introduction of a high concentration of hydrogen gas results in faster regeneration of the body, an overall improvement in health and vitality, and a significant increase in energy.

As the most effective antioxidant, HYDROGEN GAS (H2) significantly reduces inflammatory processes and pain.

It also improves recovery from injuries, which is why many professional athletes use it.

Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the world!

Even 176 times less than vitamin C, 431 times less than vitamin E and other known antioxidants.

For this reason, within a few minutes it easily penetrates through the membranes of all cells in the body , protecting them from deterioration , mutations, and oxidative stress.

The introduction of a high concentration of hydrogen gas therefore results in faster regeneration of the body, an overall improvement in health and vitality, and a significant increase in energy.

Over 2,000 scientific studies unanimously confirm this.

The same pear, 6 hours after cutting

1 - pear exposed to air
2 - pear in plain water
3 - pear in water enriched with gaseous hydrogen
In this example, we can see how a high concentration of hydrogen works in our body.

Why the Enlight Anti-age bottle?

Our chosen model simply provides you with a daily intake of a significant and necessary amount of gaseous hydrogen - EVEN 3-4 mg in just ONE LITER OF WATER!

With top quality performance and attractive design, the Enlight Vodik bottle is available at a more favorable price compared to other models with similar characteristics.

Frequently asked questions about hydrogen-enriched water

Is there any scientific evidence

More than 1,400 scientific studies have been done on hydrogen-enriched water and it has been proven to improve over 150 health conditions.

You can also find links to research on our blog.

Is it safe to drink that water?

Numerous studies confirm - water enriched with additional hydrogen is COMPLETELY NATURAL AND HARMLESS.

There are no side effects and children, pets and the elderly can drink it.
There is no danger of excessive intake!


Why this particular model?

Enlight anti-age bottle:

  • it has small dimensions
  • it is easily portable
  • easy to use
  • with its efficiency, it surpasses much more robust machines by creating a higher concentration of hydrogen in less water

There are numerous models of various prices and manufacturers on the market.

Our chosen model simply provides you with a daily intake of a significant and necessary amount of hydrogen 3-5 mg in just one liter of water.

With top performance quality and attractive design, the Enlight Anti-age hydrogen bottle is available at a more favorable price compared to other models with similar characteristics.

In addition to all that, we are always here for all your questions and doubts at +385 95 368 8228

How much hydrogen water should you drink per day?

The proven therapeutic dose of molecular hydrogen (H2) for numerous systems in the body is already 2-5 mg per day.

In one liter of water generated in the Enlight anti-age bottle, there will be 2-4 mg of molecular hydrogen (H2).

So, one liter per person is quite enough, but of course you can drink more!

How much hydrogen water can I generate in a bottle every day?

When it is fully charged (charged via USB), the Enlight Anti-age Hydrogen Bottle can repeat 10 cycles of 10 minutes each!

This gives you a total of 2.5 l of hydrogen water with 3000-5000 ppm hydrogen gas particles in each liter of water!

(3-5 mg H2 per liter of water)

Of course, during the day you can charge it again (battery charging takes approx. 3 hours ) and generate more water for all household members.

PS plants love it too



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