What is hydrogen water? Is the "elixir of youth" a justified name?

Što je vodikova voda? Je li “eliksir mladosti” opravdan naziv?

In search of eternal youth, strength and optimal health, more and more people are turning to innovative solutions that promise revitalization of body and spirit.

However, the effects of HYDROGEN WATER - water enriched with molecular hydrogen gas (H2) - are the greatest and most exciting scientific discovery of our time for slowing down the aging process.

What exactly is hydrogen water?

Hydrogenated or hydrogen water is "ordinary water" enriched with additional molecular hydrogen (H2), a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that does not dissolve in water but remains in its gaseous state.

Due to a number of scientifically proven health benefits, it has attracted attention
scientific community and health enthusiasts worldwide.

It got the nickname "elixir of youth" because of the strongest ones recorded so far
antioxidant properties that

  • speed up recovery from illness
  • they protect cells and tissues from decay
  • significantly increase the energy level
  • they contribute to the vitality of all our organs
  • they help the skin to look youthful

  • How is hydrogen connected to our lives?

    Hydrogen (H) is the smallest known atom and is the first element in the periodic table.
    The most abundant present is the atom, which scientists estimate fills over 90% of the entire universe. We know that the human body is composed of 70% water, and a water molecule is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

    In other words, most of the energy, i.e. "existence", is exactly hydrogen.

    But although hydrogen is the basic composition of water (H2O),
    not all water is hydrogen water at the same time.

    Only water that is additionally enriched with "gaseous" or "molecular" hydrogen (H2) in a high concentration has incredible healing properties, and can be called hydrogen water.

    Is hydrogen water something new?

    Although it may sound like a novelty, research on the effects of hydrogen and hydrogen water
    has been going on for decades.

    So far, more than 2,000 major and minor scientific studies* have been conducted on the health benefits of hydrogen (links at the bottom of the page)

    Water with a high concentration of hydrogen is actually found in nature!

    Although rare, natural sources of hydrogen-rich water have been found around the world.
    As stories of countless "miraculous cures" have always been associated with them,
    they have become places of pilgrimage and hope for an increasing number of people.

    We bring you a few famous stories:

    1. Nordenau, Germany

    A small village in Germany, Nordenau, is famous for its source of hydrogen-rich water. Namely, when the inhabitants started drinking from the water source found in the abandoned mine, numerous cures were recorded, even from chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

    The media and numerous visitors coined the name "nordenau phenomenon ", but scientists attributed the healing properties of this water to the high concentration of hydrogen.

    2. Lourdes, France

    Lourdes in France is known for its holy spring, which is visited annually by as many as 5 million pilgrims! The source records more than 3,500 healings, many of which are medically recognized. Among them are cerebral palsy, almost complete blindness, tumors, diabetes, chronic pain...

    In the Japanese TV show USO, the miraculous water from Lourdes was brought to Japan's Kyushu University where it was analyzed by Dr. Shirahata, and he discovered
    that it is also rich in gaseous hydrogen.

    3. Tlacote, Mexico

    Tlacote is a small village in Mexico known for its source of hydrogen-rich water, which is visited by 10,000 people a day. The famous basketball player Magic Johnson is among the frequent visitors of this spring, which he claims keeps him vital despite his severe HIV diagnosis.

    4. Nadana, India

    Nadana is a village in India that also attracts people with its healing spring. Many pilgrims have experienced its incredible health benefits, especially people with skin diseases. It was found in the laboratory that this source is also rich in a high concentration of hydrogen.

    5. Hita Tenryosui Spring, Japan

    Japan is home to one of the most famous sources of hydrogen water, the Hita Tenryosui Spring. The medicinal properties of this source also began to fascinate Japanese scientists, who were the first to patent household devices for the production of hydrogen water, as well as medical devices for use in numerous clinics.

    Find out why hydrogenated water is the best water for health

    Order your own bottle that generates hydrogen water

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    You get a one-year warranty, support and proven Enlight quality.


    If you have any questions, we are here for you:
    +385 95 368 8228.

    You can also order by phone.

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